Tag Archives: forest

Nearly there.


“A ship under sail and a big-bellied woman, Are the handsomest two things that can be seen common.”~Benjamin Franklin

I’ve been practicing practicing practicing. I want to work on my weaknesses. I want to learn confidently pose people, I want to streamline photoshoots (I think I nailed it on this particular day). But that is why I did “reccy” shoots leading up to it. I picked out my locations and saved them in my Sat-Nav (random winding tracks through the woods can look very similar!!). I thought about what kind of shots I would like in each location. I ranked my locations of “must go to” to “if we have time”.  I really considered who was going to be there when I picked locations- very very pregnant woman with 2yo meant not going too far into the woods or spending too much time in one location. All the planning worked a treat.

And the results? These pictures are far from perfect. I’m sure professionals would have loads to say about my composition or my post-production choices (actually, I don’t care what they have to say about that last part….each to their own in that regard). I do need to master the art of wearing my spectacles and taking photos so all my photos are in fact focussed!

But actually, in other ways, these pictures are perfect. My model here is only 4 days away from her due date. In the week leading up to these photos she was nervous about having her photo taken. She was not feeling great about her body. She was tired and ready to give birth. But still, she put aside her fear and trusted me with her vulnerability. Upon seeing the pictures she remembered that her body is doing amazing things. It’s growing and stretching in all the ways it should and it is beautiful and should be respected.

Be kind to yourself.


Into the Woods…..


“So tell me gentleman, tell me the time and place where it was easy to be a woman.”~Andrew Sean Greer, The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells

Went back out into the woods today to test the space with an actual person. Places that seem beautiful and mysterious on their own change so much when you add in a person. Places that seemed unremarkable can become the perfect place when someone’s soul fills it up.

Looking forward to next week’s project.



The Pines – Spring Finale


“The storm starts, when the drops start dropping
When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.” ~Dr.Seuss

It has been a while since I have simply gone out and taken photos for the fun of it.

I went to The Pines today to find some locations for an art shoot I want to do next week. Tomorrow I will go out again with a stand-in model to see if these locations are suitable (all will become clear as to why I would bother to do a stand-in model shoot when you see the final project and here the story behind it). It is one thing to love a location for nature photographs, but something else to photograph a person in it…..especially when you feel photographing people isn’t your strong point!

Practice makes perfect.

In the meantime, so many moods out there today!