Tag Archives: twin peaks

The Pines


“Shhh, I’ll do the talking. Dark. Laughing. The owls were flying. Many things were blocked. Laughing. Two men, two girls. Flashlights pass by in the woods over the ridge. The owls were near. The dark was pressing in on her. Quiet then. Later, footsteps. One man passed by. Screams far away. Terrible, terrible. One voice.”~Log Lady (Twin Peaks)

I went for a wander in the local pine plantation with a friend. It reminded us of Twin Peaks. Tall straight trees that sway slightly in the wind will always be very mysterious, even without help from David Lynch.

The unexpected soft carpet of moss sprinkled with pine needles was a delight under foot.

In summer, the smell of hot pine needles reminds me of my childhood and school, but alas this cool spring day did not offer such a scent.

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